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Planet BOFA's bespoke online teaching provides outstanding KS2 support for teachers and pupils
Proud to be different, Planet BOFA tests, teaches, retests and tracks student progress; personalising the process with formative learning that accelerates success.
BOFA is a unique online learning platform, where every question comes as a triplet. Initially a summative assessment, followed by differentiated explanations and practice, then a formative assessment, creates detailed subject reports to compare learning needs across existing and historical cohorts.
Our three stage process is unique to every child
In their Initial Test, pupils answer questions designed to test their current knowledge across a range of topics at a specific level. This is marked instantly, informing both you and the pupil, and their parent if you wish, the current knowledge in a summative assessment.
The pupil then moves onto a practice and explanation stage, where the pupil receives bespoke explanations and teaching identified in the initial test. A similar practice question is supplied to aid learning. This comes with further explanation and teaching if necessary.
After about a week, so that the pupil is not just testing their short-term memory, they move on to the Retest, which contains the final question in the triplet. The errors at this stage are placed into the pupil reports.

Individual and group reports
BOFA then emails the teacher (and potentially the parent too) to let them know how much improvement the child has made. The Report is then generated on the individual pupil's tests page. This report includes the questions that they answered incorrectly during the retest, with corresponding answers and explanations sorted by topic. Teachers can export a spreadsheet detailing learning needs, by topic, across their entire cohort.

Resources for class and individual learning
The KS2 English Reading resources supply 65 pre-prepared class, homework and teaching assistant resources. You can display the extract on the board and have a classroom discussion about the text. Our wide range of extracts will keep pupils interested. The exercises are done online, either in class or for homework. The practice and explanations can be done independently, or for those pupils with learning support in one-to-one time. The following week, pupils do a new extract and the similar retest questions from the previous extract. This allows complete differentiation.
KS2 Maths is often used by teachers to help check up on knowledge and mop up areas for improvement. Once you have finished the learning at each specific level, pupils take the initial summative tests, assessing retained knowledge, we then teach the weaker areas following by formative retest.
Due to the nature of BOFA, if pupils miss a lesson they can easily catch up missed work in the same way that the KS2 English Spelling tests can be done at any time rather than as a whole class task.

Attention to detail
Planet BOFA saves pupils time, by only teaching topics that pupils need to learn; pupils enjoy the independent learning with regular praise. Teachers relish the time saved marking and preparing lessons and can use their valuable time only teaching pupils topics they do not understand.
This is what makes BOFA so special, the attention to detail that allows us to nurture the potential in every child.
Someday, everyone will learn the BOFA way!

Curriculum and Syllabus
Our platform is led by the Key Stage 2 syllabus and assessment structure across mathematics and English. The verbal and non-verbal reasoning teaching based on Pearson, GL Assessment and CEM testing. Planet BOFA materials are differentiated to suit pupil ability. And our variable fonts cater for all visual learning abilities.

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Ready to blast off with BOFA?
The unique benefits of using Planet BOFA
- Access to an unbeatable personalised learning tool that will propel your child to KS2 success (created by million-plus selling Bond Assessment author Andrew Baines).
- Planet BOFA is as unique as every child. No test question will ever be repeated during a pupil’s education with us.
- You'll be in good company. 4 million Planet BOFA tests have been done and counting...
- Faster results. Marking and feedback is instant. We quickly identify where children need the most help, and then zoom-in on their potential. Planet BOFA doesn't waste time teaching topics they already know.
- See happy, motivated pupils who are keen to learn. Confidence and scores sky-rocket as children feel independent managing their work, yet supported by our personalised approach. Customising the colours and text is helps too.
- Flexible, inclusive teaching that fits around family life. No one gets stuck learning with Planet BOFA. Explanations are easy to digest. The tests can be paused to help manage pupil study time. And each answer will be marked and tracked whether it’s within the time limit or not. A child is guided through weaker areas until they’re ready to move on.
- High-flyers are moved on by the Adaptive Learning algorithm to nurture their academic potential.
- Feedback is at your fingertips. Emails with key information arrive at the end of each test stage, so you're always up to speed on progress. When one learning cycle is complete (after the 'retest'), you'll receive a summary email report with links to the full reports. These show the questions the pupil didn’t get right, with answers and explanations; organised into topics to help teachers and tutor focus future learning.
- Hassle-free account management. We are constantly adding in new functionality to help all users access information as easily as possible. We always welcome suggestions to help us improve BOFA.
Find out how parents use Planet BOFA with our Get Started Guide
Below are some useful video tutorials to help you get started.