Watch the video to see how the platform works.
Do the Demo test.
Some Tips before you start...
- Work through the initial test on your own.
- You can then get help going through the explanations and similar practice questions.
- Work through the retest, which contains similar questions to your errors on the initial test.
- You can then see the errors from the retest in the report.
10 to 20 questions per test
Approximately 1 minute per question
The difficulty of a test is differentiated by the number of stars for that test, 1 being the easiest level, 5 being the most difficult level
The start levels depend upon the pupil's age and time available before their exam date or end of year date
Pupils move up and down in difficulty, for each subject, depending on their current performance
Pupils will be moved up a level following three consecutive initial test scores over 87%. Pupils will be moved down a level following three consecutive initial test scores lower than 65%.
BOFA is a unique online learning platform, where every question comes as a triplet
Initially a summative assessment
Followed by differentiated explanations and practice
Then a formative assessment/retest (Please note: pupils only sit retests for tests at their current star level. If they have just moved up or down a level they will not complete the retest from the test that resulted in the level change unless they return to that level)
Finally, BOFA creates detailed subject reports to identify specific learning needs
These reports are used to compare learning needs across existing and historical cohorts
Automated Learning Algorithm
Pupils are encouraged to wait between the practice and retest stages in order to excercise their long-term, rather than short term memory
The wait time is set according to the amount of time available befoe the exam and the level at which they are working
The wait time can be overridden by an account which manages the pupil
Pupils are encouraged to do the tests by a specifed date and time, if they miss this the test is marked as overdue
Overdue tests are priorited over othe available tests
- Shown on the Tests page by the side of each test when complete
- The number denotes the level of difficulty
- The colour represents the level of the initial score
- White, then Bronze above 40%, Silver above 60%, Gold above 80% and finally Platinum for 100%
Trophies Tassels
- Shown on the handles of each trophy when the Retest is complete
- A tassel is awarded if the retest score is a level or more hight than the initial test
- The colour denotes represents the level of the retest score
- The medals show how many trophies they have achieved at each colour
- There are 4 types of trophy; Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum
- If the medal is greyed out, no trophies have been awarded of that colour
- The number shows how many initial tests they have achieved with that colour/level
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Streak Medals
- The streak medals shows the most recent level achieved
- The number shows how many tests in a row have been at that level
- The streak medal looks at tests taken in all subjects
- Timekeeping is designed to award pupils for doing the tests and completing them in the allotted time before they become overdue
- A test is only done on time if both the initial test and retest are started before they are overdue
- The percentage reflects the number of tests done on time out of all those completed
- The colour changes according to the percentage shown
Timekeeping Streak
- The Time Keeping Streak only shows if the last 3 tests have been done on time
- The number shows the quantity of test done on time since the last overdue test
- The colour depends on the number; the higher the number the better the colour
Top Learner
- Top learners are those pupils who are making improvement during the learning stage between the initial test and the retest
- Tassels are used to show the improvement on the trophies
- These Top Learner medals show how many tassles of each colour have been awarded
Top Learner Streak
- The number displayed the shows the number of test with improvement since the last test without improvement
- The colour reflects the quantity, the greater the number the better the colour
Stars Medal
- Each test is at a specific level from 1 star to 5 stars in difficulty
- When a retest is complete the number of stars is added to the Star Medal
- The colour reflects the quantity of stars collected
- White, then Bronze, Silver, Gold and finally Platinum
The tests are designed to be done on a regular basis, after you have covered all the material at each level in school.
Try and use as large a screen as possible.
We recommend you use pen/pencil and paper.
BOFA® will assess understanding and fill in any gaps in your knowledge.
Your parents and teachers will be emailed your progress.
Watch the video to hear from some of our schools.
Do the Demo test.