Key Stage 2 Formative Learning
BOFA fills 20-25% of the subject knowledge gap and clearly identifies a pupil's remaining learning needs.
An unbeatable time-saving learning tool:
I’m sure you will agree that the most powerful and successful method to ensure all pupils perform to their highest ability is:
- to help every pupil focus on what they need to know
- to help each pupil gain a deeper understanding of difficult aspects relevant to him/her.
The problem is of course, that of TIME to identify every pupil's individual learning needs, then cross reference these against specific KS2 National Curriculum descriptors.
But here is a computer program that does precisely this:
- It detects each child's errors
- Re-teaches the point
- And tests again to make sure the child now gets it right.

"An unbeatable learning tool."
Choose to use in class or for homework independently, or for those pupils with learning support in one-to-one time.
Teachers relish the time saved marking and test setting. (Click to view)
Makes managing multiple students effortless by sorting reports into topics. (Click to view)
The computer program, BOFA, is an online formative assessment platform that:
- pinpoints weak areas
- teaches with personalised practice questions
- then re-tests to offer a deeper understanding
- supplies differentiated, prepared homework each week
- does all the marking
- allows learning support staff to work with pupils at the practice stage, without having to be subject specialists.
This program was first developed in 2007, and has been refined since then with the help and support of teachers from hundreds of schools across the UK. The teachers who have worked with us truly value the program, as it frees up TEACHERS' TIME to direct further focussed learning.
BOFA also produces individual progress reports, highlighting where further learning is needed. Schools have found this most beneficial as numeracy and literacy data can easily be accessed for small groups, across the cohort, whole classes and the entire school.
“The children learn differently. Platforms like this one can help to adapt to the individual and also because for most children touching screens it's something that they get really emotive about and when they are emotional, they normally don't forget the things that they are trying.”
You’ll be in good company. Our retention rate for schools is 98% over 10 years. We have over 130,000 users, with 55 million questions done and counting…
The more classes, the lower the pupil cost:
One class is £200. Additional classes £50 per class per annum.
What would you like to do next?
I've got 10 mins now to take a look and do a demo.
I’d like to start before half-term, but too busy this week. Remind me next week
I'm going to leave it to after half-term. Remind me after half-term
I haven’t the budget/£200 available this financial year.I’ll get it in September. Remind me in September
Thanks but no thanks. (I like marking every evening and I don't want detailed reports on gaps in pupil knowledge.)